故事发生在一个南部小镇的棉织厂,诺玛(莎莉·菲尔德 Sally Field 饰)和她的家人都在这里工作。这个工厂的工作环境异常恶劣,工人们每天都经受着资本家的无情剥削和艰辛劳动。面对这种不公平的待遇,工人们备受压迫和困扰。为了改变这种状况,总工会派来了一名经验丰富的组织者,希望能够协助当地工人组织自己的工会,为工人们争取更好的待遇和权益。然而,工人们对组织者的到来持有怀疑态度,他们心存疑虑,担心这...
Faced with the responsibility to take care of her addict, veteran father, headstrong teen Mickey Peck keeps her household afloat. When she has the opportunity to leave for good, she must choose betwee...
In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother....